Today is the 17th of Tammuz, a solemn fast day on the Jewish calender, so it just seems inappropriate to post a joyful craft project! I had wanted to do a project with my kids about the Bais HaMikdash (Holy Temple) but being normal children, they resisted. Another day! Instead I've found a few old photographs of the Kotel (Wailing Wall) to hopefully inspire some heartfelt prayer from those of you who are so inclined, or know you should be! And show these to your children if you can, or print them out and have a discussion about the importance of the day!
The Kotel (Wailing Wall) in Jerusalem, 1906
The Kotel (Wailing Wall) in Jerusalem, 1912
To those of you who are fasting, may you have an easy fast, and may we all merit to see the rebuilding of the Bais HaMikdash speedily in our days! Amen.