Isn't this just the cutest? I really can't take credit for it though, my daughter made this with a friend last week
and inside was a sweet note to her parents, rolled up and wrapped with a piece of rafia. I instantly thought, about you my precious readers, and how you could do this project with your kids! Make unique Rosh Hashana greetings for neighbors and friends, and you can choose to fill the cup with tissue paper and a few treats, or simply place a nicely rolled and bow-tied note inside the empty cup. (And in case you're wondering, this project is not recycled from Valentine's day, we don't have that holiday here, so hearts and the color red have no connotations for my daughter!)
You'll Need:
- Heavy plastic drinking cups (recycle some!)
- Puff paint, glitter glue or any paint in an applicator bottle
- pipe cleaners or wired ribbon
- stickers or scrapbooking embellishments
- a hot glue gun
How To:
Give kids cups to decorate with paint and stickers. When they're finished use a hot glue gun (without the glue) to make a hole in the cup on each side. Hold the hot glue gun against the cup until you see that a hole has formed. Thread a pipe cleaner or ribbon thtough the holes to make a handle.
Note: Hot glue guns are quite dangerous and should only be used by older responsible children, or adults, who also need to use with care. I have known a few people who have burned themselves seriously with the hot glue itself!