Not to brag, but my kids are big vegetable eaters. And truthfully all the hard work that has gone into achieving this wonderful state of being has been endless hours preparing all the fresh and cooked Moroccan salads that my husband introduced me to, and that we can't live without! (see recipes here) My kids will even fight over alfalfa sprouts! Can you believe that? And last week one of my teenage sons even snuck a handful of sprouts to the Shabbos table behind his back (!) prompting one of the guests to say "uh, we used to do that with cookies?" A proud mothering moment indeed!
Nonetheless, zucchini just hasn't scored high on the list of favorites, and I even started making grated soup (recipe here) to hide the zucchini. And then something magical happened, thanks to a recipe I saw for raw zucchini salad that is prepared by creating slivers with a vegetable peeler. As simple as that!
So the other night while preparing dinner I simply starting filling a plate with zucchini peels and my kids literally went wild! "What are you doing? Can I try some?" It was all I could do to add some seasoning (salt, pepper, olive oil) before the plate was attacked. My six year old said "a meal fit for royalty!" "can we have this every night?" And then as the zucchini started to disappear they begged me to take if off the table so there would be some left for dinner! My daughter said "remember when we didn't like zuchini?" Yes , I remember, that was just yesterday! I just took it all in, and smiled to myself. And the cherry on the top of the cake was when my husband came home for dinner and said "wow, what a suprise! Is there more?"
Note: Due to differences in genetic makeup and environmental influences, each family is different, so I really can't guarantee that your results will be similar to mine, but good luck!