Last week as I was cleaning up after my daughter's birthday pizza party, I was about to throw away the pizza boxes since they seemed to be a bit too soiled to salvage, but then my better sense took a hold of me and I realized that the tops of two of the boxes were actually clean so......I ripped them off the rest of the box and suddenly I saw the distinct shape of a robot head! Who would of thunk?
So the next afternoon, my daughter and I sat down to paint some robots. It was so much fun, and I just love hers! While she of course loves mine......though she doesn't realize that the innocence of hers is so much cuter than my controlled illustration.
And by the way, for those of you who like the top version, a black sharpie marker is great for adding detail to your painting. And on the right, here's what I saw....pretty obviously a robot right? Either that or a martian! And yes,this particular robot was made with a hexagonal pizza box, but I'm sure you can think of something to do with the square ones as well!
So my friends, just take a good look at your garbage before you toss it, (or hopefully recycle it, if possible) as you may just have a great art project in the making! And don't worry if people start to call you the "garbage queen" it's a great honor, really!