I just love wax paper, and so I'm really happy to share yet another great kid's craft project with you. One of my nephews did these sweet mobiles years ago, but I'm so happy that his mother saved them long enough for me to photograph them! You could really take this idea in so many directions, but I especially like the version on the left. Wouldn't this be gorgeous as a large Calder inspired version?
And if you don't know who Calder was, I highly recommend looking him up, his mobiles are especially a great inspiration for kids!
And......I just realized that these could be great Succah decorations, don't you think? Now's a really good time to start thinking of that wonderful holiday. Beat the holiday rush!
You'll Need:
- tissue paper
- wax paper
- wire
- glue
- an iron and an adult to use it
How To:
- Tear pieces of tissue paper and lightly glue them to one sheet of wax paper.
- Iron a second piece of wax paper onto the tissue paper collage (don't forget to place something between your iron and the wax paper!)
- Cut shapes from your wax paper creations.
- Bend wire to fit around the perimeter of your shapes and affix the wire to the shapes with glue
- Make a hook and hang!
- As an alternative, as seen on the right, make a frame with popsicle sticks and decorate with glitter!