Isn't this sweet? My daughter made this yesterday after seeing Mommy hard at work at the kitchen table with her first attempts at needle felting here. (I do have one small confession to make, Mommy added the orange border to give the blanket that little finishing touch, but the rest was done completely unsupervised !)
Needle felting using tools purchased in any major craft supply store, is a great craft for kids too. The tools are manageable for any child that can write, say 6 years or older, and though there are sharp needles involved , warranting parental supervision, it really isn't all that un-safe compared to say knives or power tools!
I purchased my needle felting tools from, my favorite online fabric store who now happily carries some other goodies! (And yes, I'm an affiliate advertiser, but I'm only selling something I love....) and I have yet to experiment with felting with roving, a whole wide world in itself!
Here's a link to one of the tools I purchased, and you can find them all there, the felting needle tool, the needle refills, and the felting pad, which is optional.