Aren't these sweet? There's even a story and it goes like this: I had just finished making some yellow pom poms to satisfy my desire for those little yellow ball flowers that floral designers have been mixing with succulents and using in boutineers for wedding flowers.........then, the phone rang. It was a dear sweet friend and neighbor who said that she and her husband were wondering if I could show them how to set beautiful tables for the meal after their newborn son's Bris on Shabbos— a meal for just the immediate family, oh around 100 people!
Now, first of all, one should never turn down the request of any mother after birth, and certainly not one after the birth of her 7th, who sounds like she has more energy than you do on any given day!
So while they didn't exactly ask for centerpieces, that is my speciality, and so I promised to come up with something from whatever I could find around the house, which isn't exactly slim pickings, if you know what I mean......I gathered together the yellow pom poms, aqua yarn, sticks, my stash of interesting recycled bottles, (I thought I might paint them, but they looked great as is, saving me valuable time) and the arrangements were born. The results were so very joyful and yet simple. My favorite combination!
You'll Need:
- pom poms, I made mine with a Clover Extra Small Pom-Pom Maker (3/4'' x 1''), 2/pkg
worth the $4.50 (for two sizes) investment in if you plan to make a bunch of pom poms, which you will if you have a pom pom maker!
- sticks, you know from the park, your back yard, the vacant lot......
- vases, or recycled bottles in a variety of shapes and sizes
- hot glue
How To:
Pretty self explanatory, right? Make the pom poms, trim them so they're nice and fluffy, and glue them to the end of the sticks. The pom poms look best in small groups, though do take note that the arrangements made with two recycled bottles are quite delicate. One would look nice sitting in the middle of a tiny table for two, but a large dining table would need at least three arrangements. For one larger centerpiece, consider tying together four bottles.
Note: I always give credit where credit is due, so while I don't know who inspired me exactly, I did see some photos of gorgeous crafts made with pom poms at JoAnnes a few years ago, and also at some point saw this lovely post from 2008 about making Alium flowers from pom poms by Kristen at