Welcome to Craft Schooling Sunday! I'm a bit out of breath trying to finish up all my preparations for Chanukah because there's still a few last minute gifts I'd like to make before Wednesday night. Of course the holiday is 8 days long, so there's always up to another week to finish up!
After much thought I've decided to take a break from Craft Schooling Sunday for the month of December. Honestly I could use the break and it avoids all kinds of issues as to what crafts are appropriate for this blog. So, I will miss you all, and looking forward to starting anew the first Sunday in January! Wishing you a wonderful holiday season filled with light and joy! And now, for the features from last week's party, certainly enough inspiration to keep me busy until January!

I just love these fabric refridgerator magnets, too cute! from Gina at The Daily B. And Kate of mini eco is back with this super easy and great looking twig boat, whose visual success lies partly in the fact that the vibrant string matches the sail, and of course I'm very partial to anything aqua!
And, we can always depend on Lilla A. Design for projects that are simple and sweet! Make these button balls with your kids, or do some yourself when no one's looking, I really don't think you can have too many!
And isn't this egg carton mouse just the greatest? Thanks to Linda of mermaid's creations, I think I've got a fun project for the kids this Chanukah!

I've been wanting to make a dollhouse with my daughter and now I'm totally inspired! I just love how Gina of The Daily B upcycled a CD rack to make an open modern style dollhouse. And speaking of great re-use ideas, isn't this rock snowman the cutest? Check him out over at tools are for women too, he's made from real rocks with polymer clay details, so you can enjoy him all year long!

Michele of Michele Made Me has done it again.....green house ornaments! How about making some with some Chanukah menorahs inside? And we've got another crafty Michele on the scene, Mich from LA, who was thinking of joining the other Michele in her mini house craft along, but instead made this gem.....and can you guess what it's made from....are you ready? Drum roll please.....aluminum duct tape! Yes folks, an aluminun duct tape house pendant! A whole wide new world of jewelry crafting has now opened up to you!
And the lovely Aunt Peaches made this gilded glass menorah which is beyond stunning, and if anyone deserves a crown for inventive creative crafting, it's Peaches! So speaking of crowns, I think I found the perfect one for her, just take a look at this junk upcycled crown...made by molly the pirate from some sort of aluminum vent piece, chicken wire and a few findings, spectacular if you ask me!
So that's it for now folks, Craft Schooling Sunday is taking a little holiday break and will be back the first Sunday in January. See you all then! And just in case you're wondering, the blog will continue as usual, maybe not the crazy pace I've been keeping now just before Chanukah, but I"ll be posting daily and hope you'll drop by, because I really will miss you all, my lovely crafty friends!