Yes, Tu B'Shevat is coming, which means Tu B'Shevat crafts are coming, and of course Tu B'Shevat crafts for kids too, hopefully lots of them, since we're getting a nice and early start! We have almost an entire month to enjoy preparing and creating for this wonderful holiday which celebrates the New Year for the Trees. Crafting that has anything to do with leaves, trees, pine cones, fruit, flowering fruit trees, and spices made from trees is fair game. So how about some full blast creativity? Winter is certainly a great time to get your family interested in crafts!
Below I've posted a few photos from my favorite projects from last year, and a link to the category for more. Stay tuned for lots of new projects over the next few weeks, and start collecting those sticks and pine cones if you can! Oh, and some bark would be lovely too! And eucalyptus pods.....
Last year I made these gorgeous pomanders with cloves and oranges, full instructions here. Can't wait to make some more this year! Though these won't last a month, so wait until just before the holiday for this project, or make them a few times? Little fingers can do this too!
And I also played around with some cinnamon bark and star anise— great smelling and great looking, here.
I used a sewing machine and disposable table cloth material to make these etherial garlands, here.
I made a sweet flowering cherry blossom tree, fun anytime, here.
I made some cherry blossum inspired tissue paper art on canvas, here.
And I crocheted some little blossums which I strung on fish line, and enjoyed through Purim, here.
And for more Tu B'Shevat craft and project ideas that I posted last year, well, you can see them here.