Mexican-style crepe paper flowers are simple to make, and look great as a festive spring bouquet. If you weren't convinced by my previous post, maybe you will be now? Find the right container (my footed urn works really well) fill it with marbles and/or small rocks, and simply poke the stems of your flowers into the container. A bunch of these as centerpieces, or one large one on a buffet is perfect for any festive occasion, and of course given the colors you choose you can make something either elegant or playful. These flowers were all made with at least 6 rectangles of crepe paper, and I had fun combining some spring colors.
The visual success of this bouquet is that most of the flowers are blue and green with just two larger flowers (10 layers each) with brighter combinations. You can find my tutorial here, and go to town! I've covered the chandelier over the dining room table and inserted some into some of my wrought iron frames, and would love to make some more, time permitting! Of course I've got a list of projects to complete a mile long so it's time to move on. Just take my word for it, make some of these flowers and they'll make you happy, which is exactly how we want to be feeling right now as we get ready to begin the second month of Adar, and get in high gear for Purim, which is just two weeks away. Yikes, see ya later!