Recycled ice cream container top crafting? Why yes, and I'm just stopping by for a moment to share a little recycled crafting insight I thought of as I was about to reluctantly toss a pile of stray plastic container tops. I had them in my hand and I said to my daughter, "Wouldn't these be great frames for some project?" I was actually thinking mosaic or something, since our tops tend to be oval shaped. And then it occurred to me that the plastic could be used unto itself! And so here you have it, the first step in an as yet to be determined spring/Passover crafting project. I made a template for the goblets from a piece of cereal box cardboard and then traced around it on the the wrong side (the other side that has printing on it), and then simply cut out the shapes with regular scissors. The flower and the butterfly were achieved by tracing around some simple cookie cutter shapes.
One could do this over a period of time and collect quite a nice bunch of shapes to use in so many different ways. They'd be great for some waterproof bunting banners to hang outdoors, near the pool, or especially for those of you who live in areas with summer showers! As for the fate of my plastic shapes, well, I will be sure to keep you posted!