As you may have figured out by now, I have actually been away from my home in Israel for the past few weeks visiting with my mother in California and now with family in New York. I feel so very fortunate to have made the visit this year in the Spring, as the show of flowering shrubs and plants everywhere is just spectacular. For starters I thought I'd share with you some of the gorgeous flowers we saw on our walks around Berkeley, where I was so very inspired by so many gorgeous gardens. Above, flowering roses at the Rose Garden on Euclid Avenue in North Berkeley, and a flowering Camellia bush.
Rhododendrons in a purple and pink and red and white are on show everywhere. Wow. And our beloved California poppy is making a great show too!
Nastertiums in bloom at the Berkeley Marina, as well as this interesting plant with cone shaped stalks of tiny purple flowers, which I would love to know more about and saw in many places, so I'm assuming it's drought resistant. Anybody know what this is?
Vivid magenta flowers of the ice plant succulent, and budeliah blooms on the shore of the San Francisco Bay, at the Berkeley Marina.
And calla lillies are in bloom in so many gardens, a very popular bulb so I see!
A public path is lined with some purple wild flowers, and another glimpe of the gorgeous rhododendron bush, seen in many gardens, especially those of older homes. I'm quite sure there are gorgeous flowers in bloom all around the northern hemisphere, so don't forget to enjoy them yourself, and do share your love of flowers with others!