Welcome to Craft Schooling Sunday, an inspiring crafty get together which brings together creative minds from around the world. This week Nigeria joins the list of countries represented here, together with Israel, Turkey, The Netherlands, The UK, The United States, Muldavia, India, Australia and Germany. And of course we also have regulars from South Africa, Canada, Poland, Croatia, and Italy who didn't make it to the party this week. Hope I got everyone, sometimes it requires a bit of detective work on my part to figure out where everyone is from!
First on the list of features from last week, this paper bag nest project from family chic is so wonderful, that I have to admit we've already given it a try! And while some paper cutting just seems too intricate for most of us, Lisa over at handmade in Israel shared this great example of paper cutting art that looks great and isn't too intimidating. And of course the bird theme is a great compliment to those paper bag nests!
I'm really inspired by this wonderful felt roving button, complete with a tutorial from my poppet. And I just love this jewelry organizer from create celebrate explore made by revamping an old type tray and painting it a lovely shade of pink!
I just love this crocheted sweater from aesthetic nest, can't wait for the opportunity to give it a try myself! And these bubble printed cards from the chocolate muffin tree? A truly wonderful way to use some of the art experiments you do with the little ones which produce art work for which you may not have a purpose!
Aren't these hello kitty cake pops adorable? You can learn how from a great tutorial on red ted art. Drawstring bags are always handy, especially for most of us who tend to have little bits and pieces of projects that might need containing! I just love this creative version from morgan made it.
And now, since the crafting can get a bit girly around here, I just had to share two kid's crafting projects done by boys! Here's a wonderful nature project which involved collecting specifmens and then coloring with them, from fakin it.Isn't this recycled container drum set from art 4 little hands wonderful? And certainly a great way to satisfy those drumming desires in a somewhat quiet way! And now, it's time to get the linking party started, thanks so much for coming.
To view the links added by participants to this weeks party, please click "continue reading" below: