Welcome to Craft Schooling Sunday! Last week's party was full of wonderful projects that I'm so happy to be able to share with you here. A really nice range with something for just about everyone, you know the crafty female everyone? I tried to leave comments on the posts of all those who contributed, but blogger was giving me problems, so if you didn't get a comment from me, thanks so much for sharing here, I really appreciate it!
As far as how we're doing with our "around the world" status, well let's see, there were contributors from Canada, the United States, India, Germany, Poland, France, the UK, Slovenia, Turkey, and The Netherlands. I'd say we're spanning the globe, which makes this party even more fun! And now, for my favorites from last week:
This project just makes me so happy that I just had to give it the full column width, well deserving don't you think? I mean really, does it get much cuter than a vintage suitcase birthday picnic basket? Brought to us by fun.kyti.me, from Canada.

And since we started the party with something so sweet, I figured I'd just continue the trend with some crafts involving sugar! Fortunately only one of them is edible, and probably a bit too much trouble for most of us, but great nonetheless. On the left, Carolyn of Carolyn's Homework made these lovely containers to hold sugar scrub, (don't worry, I never heard of it either!) and on the right sew can do gives a nice tutorial and instructions for making these jelly gum drops. Sugared out? Not to worry, we've got some more sweet, but no more sugar, I'm trying to give it up anyway.

I just love this summer clutch remake from scissors and spatulas, who covered the old clutch in her fabric of choice and went to town with a fabric flower embellishment, perfect! And this quilt from between the lines? Well I must be honest, I'm totally in love with it, love the colors and the simplicity, and it's so perfect against the sand! A first quilt project for someone like me, yes, here I come, oh whoops, first need a sewing machine in working order......

The fabulous Aunt Peaches is at it again with this paper mache combo vase made from a few recycled bottles, and did you ever see such a cute scarf, from fakin it? This is just about the simplest little gift one could make, so why not get started now and make some for the whole neighborhood?
Here are two great magnet projects that could go either way as fas as being for kids or adults. Just love the dragonfly magnets from time to craft, and these lovely scrapbook paper magnets from creative dish are a great way to use up those promotional magnets that you've been saving, you have been saving them right?

And here's another little beautiful crafter who lives in India and who seems to love the fact that her mother keeps her very busy with crafts! She completed this sweet foam tray embroidery after a series of embroidery projects that you can (and should) check out on Putti Prapancha. I'm so very happy when I get to feature a craft project that's boy friendly, and this one is truly a winner! Ever thought of making a staircase car garage with manilla folders? Well, quirky mama did and fortunately dropped by to share it with us! Inspired, running off to make something? Good, that's the point!