Making ornaments and decorations with Hama beads is a perfect winter activity for all ages. I even made a few of these snowflakes as I just couldn't resist!
Hama beads can be used as beads in a traditional way, but their intended use is to make designs on Hama bead peg boards, and then the beads are melted together by simply placing a piece of baking paper over the design and ironing it. There you have it! We have a whole collection of little things we've made that I will share with you some time in the future, but for now I'd say Hama beads are great to have on hand especially as the cold and rainy weather sets in.
We made these snowflakes using a round Hama bead pegboard, and a six pointed star pegboard. Though sky's the limit as there are also large square peg boards allowing one to make an original piece of art. Great for building concentration and working on fine motor skills for younger kids. I noticed that there are even a range of Hama bead sizes available by mail order (at least in the UK, at so this craft really can be enjoyed by children as young as three years old. Assuming they don' like to eat beads!
That's all for now, enjoy!