I have to say, I really can't believe that this ceramic platter and cups were made by me! For as long as I can remember I've wanted to learn how to make things with clay, and at long last the opportunity arose just down the street, so I jumped at it.
So my friends, if there's something you've been wanting to learn, do it now! Of course we can't always follow all of our dreams, but when a dream is close enough to grab, go for it!
And by the way, as you can see, you really don't need to know how to use a wheel to make great usable pieces for your home. These were made by quite simply rolling out a piece of clay into a slab and then working with the slab. The platter was made by using a plastic existing platter as a mold, and the cups were built by wrapping a rectangular piece of slab around onto itself and attaching it to a round bottom piece.
Before the pieces were made, the slab was decorated with the designs using a wooden fabric printing stamp, the kind used in India in hand printed fabric production.
Now that I see how these cups turned out, I can't wait to make a whole set. More to come!