Yes, you can grow lemons in a pot! Of course what I mean is that you can grow a lemon tree in a pot, and you can get some fruit from that tree. While most trees really won't thrive in a pot for more than a few years, a lemon tree can apparently do just fine as long as you give it the loving care it needs, meaning basically a big pot and of course lots of sun.
I'm quite happy with the ten lemons that just ripened on my lemon tree, (a good yield I believe for a tree in a container) and now I'm thinking maybe I ought to fill my container garden with more lemon trees. On second thought I'd rather have flowering vines, so scratch that idea. It sure was a great feeling to wander down the steps to my little tree, on a cold winter day, and harvest these fruits, quietly of course, because except for the Hedenbergia who is about to bloom, the rest of the garden is sleeping....shhhhhh.