Welcome to Craft Schooling Sunday! The pressure is on in my house to get everything clean and in order, and most importantly free of bread crumbs for Passover, but that doesn't mean that I can put aside my desire for crafting! So the inspiration from this party is especially welcome at a time when I really don't have any free moments to spend on creativity. Thanks so much to all of you who shared your amazing projects last week. Here are some of my favorites:
Isn't this junk mail collage portrait by michele made me amazing? And Aunt Peaches wonderful cupcake liner daffodils complement it perfectly!
I love this table make over by alternate endings design, and the felted crocheted satchels from Aesthetic Nest are just truly amazing.
These crocheted rain boot booties are adorable, and repeat crafter me even shares the pattern! And speaking of adorable, ever had a piece of your child's clothing you just couldn't part with? Here's a great idea from threading my way, for how to make a pillow from a cute shirt.
I just love this beaded cup wind chime project from mom 2 posh lil divas and pom pom flowers from simple home life are looking great for Spring table decor.
Smoothies are all the rage, and two contributors shared great recipes: The Pinterest Project shared a tropical smoothie, and mom photographer shared an almond milk dark chocolate peanut butter smoothie.
And last of all, but certainly not least, the wonderful little crafters over at Se7en made these adorable sock mini hobby horses, and I just love this contact paper window art by mama's little muse. That's all for now, looking forward to seeing what you've all been up to this week!