Welcome to Craft Schooling Sunday! We have just finished eight glorious days of eating matzo and we're now packing away all the Passover dishes until next year! I'm dropping in for a moment to post the favorites from last week, and then it's back to sealing boxes before even a speck of bread is brought into the house. Not that there's any bread to be had around here just yet, but come tomorrow bread will start to appear in our local stores once again. Mind you, we love matzo so there's no rush to get bread except for the kid's sandwiches for school on Monday. Sigh. And regarding last week's party,, even though it was significantly smaller since it's vacation time around the globe, there were still some amazing projects, thanks to you all!
Love this paper plate magnolia from Aunt Peaches, and this grass head project from Red Ted Art.
You can find the pattern for this adorable lady bug hat on Red Ted Art, or make a super cute pin cushion from ellebelle.
Love this bon voyage card from Sandy's Place and here's a great DIY for a leather bag from between the lines.
Alessia and I are apparently on the same page, as she also made some fish plates, though hers is from air drying clay and tempura paint (I'm pretty sure, my Italian isn't so great!) Love the idea of making a plastic bag flower bunting from haakensmaak.
Between the lines also made these simple bracelets, and love this idea for a DIY wire bracelet fastener from jewelry making journal. And that's all for now, looking forward to some more inspiration from you all!