The very special Jewish holiday of Shavuos starts on Saturday night, so it's time to get serious about our holiday preparations. Well, at least I'd recommend that you get serious, I'm swamped with work from a design project and am not surprisingly a bit behind.......fortunately I have a few projects up my sleeve just ready and waiting to be photographed. Nonetheless, when a reader Tanya from Sydney, Australia sent these adorable photos of her daughters with luchot habrit (tablets) challahs, I was certainly thrilled for the help in bringing you some Shavuos inspiration here, and I just had to share them!
Simply fabulous right? Thanks so much Tanya for sharing your creativity from across the world!
For another nice challah idea that's perfect for Shavous, check 0ut my decorated challahs. Either way, your family will be so proud of your amazing efforts when you put special challahs on your table this Shavous!