Welcome to Craft Schooling Sunday! So many great projects from last weeks party, from contributors from around the world, you know the usual list: Guatemala, Turkey, France, Germany, The Netherlands, Macedonia, Muldvavia, The UK, The United States, Italy, Jakarta, Singapore, Australia, Hungary, Romania and possibly more, sorry if I missed anyone! Thanks so much to everyone for joining me here, you're all a great inspiration, inspiration that spans the globe!
Here are two gorgeous photos for two fabulous projects: coconut sugar scrub from The Pinterest project, and simple sewing for kids lavender bags (though I think they look great for adults too!) from Red Ted Art.
Crafts by Amanda made this great popsicle stick beach art, and love these home made flour dough flowers from Can't Stop Making Things.
A gorgeous little baby sweater from Lanas and Hilos and a fun DIY mixer decal project using fabric (decals are removable!) from Silly Pearl.
Love this decoupaged cat from Ellebel, and check out this Sock Monkey cowboy from crafty mischief, plus there's a ballerina too!
Two adorable cake decor ideas: little owl cake toppers from Repeat Crafter Me, and this sweet sleepover cake from a cassarela.
And if you're up for a little sewing project, how about a i-phone case from and while you're sewing from Southern Flair Crafts, and keep the kids nourished with this fun little cars fruit snack from the crumb factory!