How about making a bunting banner from clay? I actually made these from clay fired in a kiln, but you can certainly do the same thing with polymer clay, air drying clay or the kind of clay that you can bake in your oven. Or how about baker's clay made from flour and water?
And while my flags are not decorated, I'd love to see a clay bunting banner with some stamped or impressed texture or letters. There really are so many creative possibilities, so go for it!
These little banners have been hanging out in my house, but I think they'd make great succah decor, especially for those who live in rainy regions and need decorations that can withstand an occasional downpour - yikes! And yes, Rosh HaShana comes first, in another two weeks, but it's a good idea to start thinking about your Succah decorations now so that you won't have to stress trying to get everything done! Wish me luck on that one too!