Now is apple season, and around here apples are not just about back to school and Fall, they're also about Rosh HaShana, so apple themed crafts are perfect right about now! With Rosh HaShana just ten or so days away, my soda bottle apple gift box is a perfect project, and I was so very happy to see two great versions of it on the web, so I just had to share them with you!
The teacher appreciation gift version from bethapalooza is perfect, and I love the fact that she changed some of the details, for the better even! Joyful Jewish took my idea and used it not as a gift box but as a hanging decoration, which could be perfect for Rosh HaShana and then useful in the Succah!
For complete instructions, please refer to my original post, the soda bottle apple gift box. Enjoy, more crafts for Rosh HaShana coming soon!