I have to confess — I have not been encouraging my kids to paint nearly enough, and I am now in the process of rectifying that lack by getting out the paints and including painting in more projects. Are you with me? Forget about all the mess, we've got to do it! And who knows, maybe my kids will inspire me!
Learning to hold the brush properly and learning how to apply paint are in themselves good skills, not to mention that painting certainly helps build fine (and not so fine, with large brushes) motor skills, which are very important for every child.
Fortunately, my seven year old is more than happy to participate in our new "get out the paints" program, phew! Last night he painted some elements that we'll use to make some artful trees for Tu B'Shevat, though not exactly sure how it will come together just yet!
That's it for now, today is voting day in Israel, and I'm off to cast my precious vote!