A few days ago as I was working in the kitchen as part of our extensive and exhausting preparations for Pesach, I looked out the window and saw this gorgeous site. Of course, I ran to grab my camera so that I could share this message with you: to appreciate the light, you must first experience darkness!
And that my friends is the universal message of Passover, as well as the idea that one way to truly appreciate the holiday is to not only work like a slave in ridding ourselves physcially and spiritually of leavened products, (which represent an inflated ego) but to also work on ridding ourselves of all the things to which we are slaves!
So, in my own personal effort to do just that, I'll share with you all one of the things to which I'm a slave, and for which I suffer greatly now as we clean and organize the whole house from top to bottom in preparation for Passover. Here goes! Can you guess?

Because my life is very busy, and I'm always rushing to clean up, I have the practice of stuffing the supplies from a crafting project into a box or into a bag and putting it on the floor in my studio, and closing the door. Well after months of this kind of practice, we have to call the room a store room as opposed to an office or studio! And believe me, it gets really really out of hand, such that no one execept my family ever sees the room!
Phew, now that I've spilled the beans, maybe this will be the year to stop being a slave to all my craft stuff and the recycled containers and the stuff that the neighbors unload on me, and more and more......oh and the supplies to make centerpieces and packages for Purim and bridal chairs, together with past craft projects......and the mementos from my childhood and travels, and more and more.....!
Fortunately, Pesach is also about hope. So it is my true hope that this will be a year in which we will all be free from slavery, free from those things which prevent us from being our very best selves, and a year in which we can bask in the light of freedom. Amen!