Do you have children that love to collect little bits of everything and store them in their pockets? This phenomenon seems to be more prevalent among boys than girls, and a quality that one might find in just one of several boys/children in a family! Given that I'm quite a collector myself, I'm secretly proud of my seven year old for finding interest in just about everything. On one day, as I was checking his pants before putting them in the laundry (a MUST, especially after one engine was ruined by a little piece of something that went in the laundry in someone's pocket) I found a particularly nice collection of little objects!
So I put everything in a bag to photograph when I had a moment, which only happened about a month later as I was cleaning the laundry counter for Passover. What was in his pocket on that day, sometime around Purim? Well, magic disappearing ink, vampire fangs, a stamp to use with an ink pad, an angry bird pencil topper, a striped eraser, a collection of bar codes, a stick from a lollipop, a plastic butterfly charm, some crumbs, and one metal cube, which is part of a game called in Hebrew "chamesh avanim" namely five rocks. (More on that another time!)
In retrospect I'm so glad that I took the time to photograph this little collection, to have a good laugh in another ten years or so! So do take the time to not only celebrate your children's unique qualities, but record them in some way for posterity, even with just a simple photo as I've done here!