In case you though that yesterday's penguin birthday cake was the birthday cake, well guess what, mommy was hard at word at a second cake as well: a figure eight road race birthday cake! There's only once chance per child to do this cake, and this is for my youngest, so it was now or never! And I might add, this cake is much larger and possibly more impressive as it was for my son's birthday celebration at school. His teacher suggested that they not cut the cake at all!
And as far as time goes, the decorating took me about 1 hour forty-five minutes, but could probably do another one in half the time as figuring out what to do also takes time! Lucky you!
- one large tray, lucky me I have a red checkered one!
- two flat chocolate cakes, large enough to make circles based on the size of small dinner plate
- chocolate mocha glaze
- chocolate sprinkles
- striped sour candy ribbon, that gummy stuff that's flat
- pick-up sticks or toothpicks and wooden skewers
- white paper and a black and a red marker
- 6 cars in a few colors
- After cake has cooled, level the top with a sharp knife.
- Place dinner plate on top of cake such that you'll cut out a flat bottomed circle, but not too flat! Cut around plate with a knife and remove the extras.
- Using a wide mouthed glass, press glass down into cake exactly where you'd like to make the hole, and if you're lucky, when you pull the glass up, the cake will come up inside the glass. (Set these little round cakes aside for an after birthday celebration?)
- Now do the same thing with the other cake, and place the two halves together on your tray to form an eight.
- Make a batch of chocolate glaze and pour liberally over the cake, lucky for us the pools of chocolate glaze here work as patches of oil, so let them be!
- Sprinkle on chocolate sprinkles, and make dotted road lines and some curb markings by cutting just one of the stripes of the striped candy, I used scissors, very easy!
- Place your cars on the cake before the glaze hardens.
- Make some guard rails by weaving pieces of the striped candy around toothpicks or cut up pick up sticks, which is what I used, since that's what I found!
- Make a sign and some flags with white paper, markers and skewers to mark the beginning and end of the race.
- Ta da, you've now created wonderful memories for your child! Pat yourself on the back and go take a nap, unless you happen to be me and now need to make centerpieces for 600 guests, yikes, gotta run!