Need a cute and simple penguin themed birthday cake that you can whip up quickly? I certainly was in need of a cute and quick idea today as I was making a cake for my son's birthday, and this was my solution. And if your cake for some reason ends up looking like a mountain with lots of lumps and bumps, which was really the inspiration for this idea to begin with, well then all the better to turn it into a snowy ice topped glacier, right?
I really couldn't decide as I was photographing this just before the party whether the cake looked it's best with 3, 4, or 5 penguins, so I'm just going to show you all the photos and let you decide. (Though I'll admit in the photo, 5 penguins does look a bit crowded, but then that's how penguins tend to gather, right?) I'll admit to moving those penguins around so many times it's fortunate that we have sprinkles to hide the holes!
You'll Need:
- one round chocolate cake, my favorite recipe here
- white/creme icing — I made white chocolate icing, about 1/4 chocolate and 3/4 sugar weight wise, melted with just a bit of water, and I was so happy that when it dried it's a bit transparent like ice!
- white sprinkles
- white paper
- markers
- toothpicks and wooden skewers
How To:
Bake the cake, and pour warm icing over it, though do leave some patches of cake showing to mimic the look of rock showing through the ice, if you desire. Sprinkle white sprinkles over the icing and then get to work drawing your penguins, with birthday hats or without, as well as some icy mountains for the backdrop. Tape toothpicks or skewers (for the taller pieces) to the back of the penguins and mountains and numbers, and stick into cake. Voila, your birthday boy or girl will be all smiles, guaranteed!
Oh, and if you happen, in your stash, to find a vintage sheet with penguins on it to use as a table cloth, as I did at the last minute, well then, you'll be quite certain that even though there was no real reason for making a penguin themed cake, it was all meant to be!