Isn't the idea of making a crocheted giant doily rug by the sea just heavenly? You might jump to the conclusion that my postings here have been more sparse as that's what I've been up to, but no, this ahhh moment is brought to us by a reader Anneke from South Africa, who has been so generous (and busy) in allowing me to share some of her fabulous crochet projects, this one as you know by now, using my crocheted giant doily rug.
I just love this two color version using commercial t-shirt yarn, fast to make and a great compliment to your home. I've been using my original rug as a giant doily on my dining room table, and I just love it!
So whether you're lucky enough to have a spot by the sea to crochet this summer, or not, crafting is always the perfect escape. Now, my only question is when will I have time for such an escape such that I'll have some more crafting projects to share with you? You'll be the first to know!