There's nothing quite like the small pleasure of enjoying gorgeous blooming flowers right outside your kitchen window! My kitchen window garden, which is actually on a small Romeo and Juliet wrought iron balcony, which I had installed for just this purpose, changes with the seasons, though I'm always the happiest when there are flowers in bloom. This summer I'm giving the pink mandevilla vine a try, and so far so good.
Mandevilla is a tropical flowering vine, that many of you may be familiar with, and I actually bought mine at IKEA of all places! Yes, we do have IKEA in Israel, two of them with a third on the way apparently, because everyone needs IKEA, especially me, and the new store will be much closer to our home, a little dangerous I might add!
Here in my mountaintop location in Northern Israel mandevilla will not survive the winter outdoors, so I'll be nurturing it indoors come November, until spring arrives. I do have a few things to learn about wintering plants, so I guess I'll practice some more on this one!
Do add some blooming flowers to your life this summer, you won't regret it!