Welcome to Craft Schooling Sunday! Here in Israel we have just finished the 24 hour holiday of Yom Kippur, wow, it was great! A whole day spent on only spiritual pursuits, with no eating or drinking (my kids prepared sandwiches for themselves) to distract us, and a whole day spent on prayer and introspection, in my case together as a group with those in our community, so it was very powerful. Put a few hundred people together all with the sincere desire to fix their wrong doings and move forward into the new year like angels, who do no harm to others!
Now we're fired up for the next holiday, Sukkot, and I have four luxurious days to get our Sukkah decorated, (and of course do lots of cooking and laundry, not to mention work......) actually a nice long time for me. So, since I've got some pots of food on the stove to feed a hungry family I'll just end this by saying that last week we had contributors from Slovakia, Canada, Australia, The Netherlands, Portugal, The United Kingdom, The United States, Jakarta, Denmark, Hungary, Italy, Spain and South Africa! And here are the features, thanks so much for joining me here!

A gorgeous crocheted i-phone case from teszek veszek, and fun crocheted sun flowers from homemade at my place.

A gorgeous filet crochet plaque with a wire frame from lititia-tiba, a perfect new baby gift, as are of course these adorable crocheted slippers from yvonne creatief.

Fabulous bent wire bookmarks also from letitia-tiba, a new contributor from Slovakia, yippee!

A super sweet cross stitch over crochet pillow from howling liz, and fun crocheted cupcakes from la muscetta

A fun pendant necklace kid's project from jellyfish jelly, and a super cute crocheted owl from bianca's homemade stuff.

A fun spice rack re-do for dorm room decor, from altered artworks, and a sewn birdy bucket from ginx craft.

A fun DIY way to keep your necklaces in order from shortys many hats, and a bat finger puppet made from a styrofoam tray (used for vegetables) from crafty journal.