I love Sukkah decorations that one can save from year to year, and for years to come. And one of the most precious ways to do that is to insert kid's sukkah art into some frames that you very likely have collecting dust somewhere!
My young sons did these drawings last year, and it was so much fun to pull them out this year. In fact I've now scrounged around my studio and found some more frames to fill.....though funny enough my kids are stuck on the exact same theme, so we're gonna have a lot of whale/sukkah drawings all lined up......maybe on account of their mother's fish plate collection that covers a wall in the kitchen?
Wondering about the whale (leviathon) and sukkah connection? Well all I really can tell you at the moment is that according to Jewish law a whale can be used to make a sukkah. Though it's much deeper than that, so you'll have to ask someone who can possible explain it better than I can!