So happy to have finally gotten all the bits and pieces together to force some amaryllis bulbs indoors! The resulting blooms are breathtaking, and the process of watching the bulbs come to life is equally exciting, especially for kids.
This year I am equipped with lots of knowledge that I previously didn't have on account of a thorough article I wrote for about forcing amaryllis bulbs, so I'm really excited! Since bulbs love to be crowded a bit, and if one desires to save bulbs from year to year, one either has to put one bulb in a small pot, or three or four in a larger pot. Since I'm planning to tend to the amaryllis plant after the blooms die and then put it outside come spring, I've opted for a large pot with four bulbs such that next summer I won't have to be worried about a tiny pot drying out, which it will, very quickly, especially if put in full/partial sun as recommended. Bulbs do get bigger from year to year, so hopefully next year I'll only be able to fit three bulbs in one pot, fingers crossed.
The most appealing pot available happens to be the very first broken mosaic pot I made a good 14 years ago! It has been outside in the winter, with frosts and freezes and still going strong. You can check out my post about DIY mosaic pots, and see some nicer later versions in my post, as well as lots of other intersting mosaic inspiration here. Enjoy, the mosaics and the amaryllis! Plants and crafting do certainly go hand in hand.