Fleece no-sew puppets are a great way to learn about crafting with fleece, and the results are so cute you or the kids can make enough to put on a great puppet show. One of the most important things to consider when crafting with fleece is that you’ll need a pair of really sharp scissors that cut easily through the fleece. If you’re having trouble cutting the fleece, please don’t waste your time, get some scissors that will do the job effortlessly!
- fleece, at least two colors
- sharp scissors
- a marker
- all purpose craft glue
How To:
Before you begin, decide whether the puppets you’ll be making are for you, or a child or for someone with a bigger or smaller hand. A puppet that is a little on the small side can be used by someone bigger by placing it on just a few fingers, though a puppet that is way too big won’t be so fun for a little child to play with. So, choose your hand, or some else’s hand to take measurements. (How about making one sized for Mom or Dad so they can use it for bedtime stories, or make a set for a little brother or sister, shhhhh, it can be a surprise!)

Step 1:
Place your hand on top of your piece of fleece and trace around your hand. Do use a marker that is close in color to the color of your fleece. I used red so that you could see it, but it may show on your finished product, so if you are using grey fleece, use a grey marker.

Step 2:
Draw a second line about 2 1/2 inches outside the first line.
Step 3:
Using that first piece as your guide cut around it to make a second piece of fleece that is the same size.

Step 4: Cut out the piece of fleece on the second line. Try to cut just inside the line so that there won’t be any marker lines on the edge. Place your piece of fleece on top of a second color, or if you prefer on top of a piece of fleece that is the same color.

Step 5: Now it’s time to cut some fringe. Cut fringe by cutting from the edge just up to the inside line. This doesn’t have to be perfect, so just do it by eye. We’ll learn how to make fringe that is uniform in size in a future project.

Step 6: Now for the fun part, tying the fringe together! Starting at one of the bottom corners, simply tie the two matching pieces of fringe together using a double knot.
•Tie all your knots using the same steps. Namely, If you start by putting the piece of fringe in your right hand over that in your left, so tie all the knots in this way.
•Make sure to only tie using the matching pieces, or you’ll end up with a slightly crooked puppet and some extra ends sticking out where they shouldn’t.
If you would like to make a puppet like the blue example who only has hair on the top of his head, tie the fringe together on both sides, according to the photo, and then turn the puppet inside out and tie the remaining fringe, which willl be his hair. If you would like to make a puppet like the green example, just continue tying around the entire perimeter.

Step 7: Now its time to make faces for you puppets, and give them some life! Cut out pieces of fleece for eyes, nose and mouth and affix to puppet with craft glue. Eyes look the best when they’re made from two layers, right?
•I used pieces of fleece to do this, but you can also experiment with buttons, felt, tiny pom poms or any other craft supplies you might have on hand.
Step 8: Let’s use our creativity!
The steps I’ve outlined for you are just a beginning. You can make puppets in many shapes and sizes using these simple steps. Try making really long fringe for some wild hair that you could even braid, give your puppet a funny hair cut, or even a tail!