Wishing you all a wonderful new month! Yesterday and today were the first days of the month of Adar, a very joyful month on the calendar, which includes the holiday of Purim. Usually I'd be writing this amidst the pressure excitement of knowing that there were only two weeks left to plan costumes and mishloach manot (gifts of food that we give on Purim) but yippee, this year is leap year which means that we have a whole extra month of Adar, and actually a month and a half to get it all together for Purim!
So my friends, leap year is the time to indulge in all that Purim crafting that you never seem to have time for, right? There are lots of ideas in the archives here, so take a look and start planning.
I think I'll have a little costume discussion with my kids right now, and maybe start some brainstorming. And I'm always here to answer your questions or provide inspiration, so just drop me a line!