Painting created by a 1st grader, wth a rectangular dense sponge, wine corks, and Q-tips! And no direction from the teacher whatsoever.
Yesterday I started the first of what I hope will be many afternoons spent with an adorable and vivacious group of !st and 2nd graders for some art and craft lessons, for my charitable organization now called Crafting A Future.
First we sat down in a circle and talked about color and combinations of color, and why we paint and draw and craft to begin with. Then we started what I thought was a lesson in stamping and making patterns with paint and a number of different things like potatos, sponges, bottle caps, wine corks and dense sponges.
But then it turned out that these five and six year olds, when given huge sheets of paper and paint and the above mentioned tools couldn't quite stay within the strict guidelines of stamping and started stamping and painting away and some of them made the most gorgeous little paintings combining the techniques I'd shown them and their own creativity.

This amazing clown started with a stamped head made with a plastic cover, and then some details were added with stamped corks, and the painting was done with I'm not sure what, but not with a paint brush, as there were no paint brushes anywhere!

This sweet little clown, shown here in progress was painted entirely with Q tips!

So very adorable, and quite accomplished for a first grader, I do think!
After everyone had finished as much as they could on the giant sheets of paper, I then had them practice the techniques of making patterns with stamping, as I've done with my children recently here, and then we decorated some flat cereal boxes to use as containers for Purim, more on that as that project progresses.
And then, I did somewhat of a novel thing, I gave them all homework and they were pleased as punch! One of them smiled up at me and said that the homework was to remember the class that we'll have every Sunday!