Fabulous rug crocheted from upcycled clothing from my home is my castle (Sweden), and adorable crocheted stamps from little woolie (New Zealand.)
Welcome to Craft Schooling Sunday, the international linky party that last week had contributors from New Zealand, The United States, The United Kingdom, Portugal, Germany, The Netherlands, Sweden, Italy, Pakistan, India, and Israel. Thanks so much for joining me here.
Yes, we are very unfortunately at war here in Israel, and while my family and I are certainly very concerned about the safety of our soldiers and civilians, we are not at the moment directly affected by missiles. We do not have the need to run to bomb shelters as sirens sound, like so many other more Southern areas of the country, but our hearts are very heavy as we hear about the casualties. My husband served in the army and was called to war during his service, so he is particularly nervous. This shabbat many many prayers and psalms were said by our community, and of course around the country, for the safety of our soldiers in particular. Sending soldiers to war isn't a distant concept as it is for so many, for example, in The United States, its something that is right here and a grave reality. Please channel your positive thoughts to this sad situation! And for accurate reports regarding what is really going on, try reading The Jerusalem Post.
Okay, that said, last week's party was fantastic, with so many inspiring contributions, some of which I am now featuring here.

A wonderful and simple crocheted baby blanket from happy in red (The Netherlands), and a huge granny square blanket from chris in de haak (The Netherlands.)

Check out this filet crochet in progress from mara haakt (wow!) (The Netherlands) and some very creative craft studio organization from artistic endeavors (United States.)

An adorable felted dog made from a kit by artistic endeavors (The United States), and more fabulous knit mini coopers from ginx crafts. (The UK) Anyone tempted to have a go?

Love this sun hat made from scraps of liberty fabric, by mad for fabric (The United States) which would look great with a DIY lariat necklace from jewelry making journal (The United States.)(On the mad for fabric blog she has a post regarding on-line sources for purchasing liberty fabric if you're in the US.)

Some fun basket weaving going on over at helen clyde, (Germany) as well as trying out silk paints on satin fabric , with great results!

Creative khadija (Pakistan) shows us how to make some great upcycled jars to use as lanterns or organizers, and muscetta (Italy) shares this ethnic crocheted necklace.

Have fun with a DIY water wall, from there's just one mommy, (United States) or make some tp roll characters from kids activities blog. (United States)

And last, but not least, make some fun kinetic sand, from there's just one mommy, (United States) or some super soft playdough from kids activities blog. (The United States) We have already tried the play dough, it's great but didn't last for future use, so do keep that into consideration when considering what kind of quantity to make! What have you been up to?