Because of my somewhat mysterious aversion to sewing on a sewing machine, which I'm at long last overcoming, (phew!) I am now introducing my almost 12 year old daughter to the idea of how great sewing can truly be in one's life, not just for creative projects but also for simple things like hemming boy's pants, shortenign a skirt, etc. the cost of which certainly adds up, and it takes time to give these things to the seamstress!
With that in mind, and the fact that I finally actually figured out how to properly use an old semi industrial machine I bought a few year ago, my daughter has started playing around on the sewing machine! And she's already imagining all the clothes she'll make for herself!
But for now, she whipped up these sweet little felt purses, (with zero input from me) and I think they'll be perfect for jewelry, especially if we sew a tiny snap inside. And stay tuned for more of her simple sewing projects, I have a feeling sewing is in her genes, as her grandmother was a talented seamstress and her mother has been dreaming about making quilts for years!