Yesterday we took a trip to Haifa to take care of some personal business, and while we did not end up visitng the new IKEA there (which is maybe for the best, it's a dangerous place for me $$$ wise!) my daughter and I checked out the fabric stores on Hertzl street, in preparation for some sewing lessons, possibly for us both, we visited some relatives, caught a glimpse of the Mediterranean sea, and on the way home just as the natural light was getting dim, thus putting an end to my crocheting in the car, we stopped off to "visit Rebbe Shimon" namely to visit the very famous tomb of our great sage, Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, not far from our home.
Rabbi Shimon is the father of kabbalah, having shared many lofty secrets in his tome, The Zohar. So as you can very well imagine, It is truly a special place, with visitors from near and far 24 hours a day, and as I always tend to look up, my photos are of the domed main room and the chandelier! Enjoy.