This is what my Succah looked like last year, well, sort of. I actually added a few soda bottle top flowers using photo shop! Time is of the essence right now with the holiday of Succot beginning tomorrow night, and since I have decided I'll find the time to make some more soda bottle top flowers to add to those I made last year, I played around with a photo from last year to see how many more I really need to make!
As I see itI need to make a minimum eight more for that wall with the frames. Ah, wait a minute, I had some mobiles that were hung in other places in the succah, maybe I should just dismantle those to use in this spot....hmmmmm. Or maybe I should try to make another 16 or so to make our succah look truly wonderful? I'll let you know what I ended up doing, but in any case there will be no all nighter, or even late nighter tonight as I'm working on being an "early to bed, early to rise" kind of gal, not so simple for the night owl crafter type that I have always been!