With Chanukah just a month away, as well as a number of other holidays that many of you celebrate, it is truly time to get crafting, and I'd recommend getting started with these clever geometric string stars that you can hang now, and enjoy for months to come! Their unspecific look can go in any direction, and for us, I think they'll look great representing a starry Chanukah night or the twinkling flames of the chanukiah! And come to think of it, they'll look amazing paired with my nesting dreidel mobile download!
A few years ago we made some of these with embroidery thread, and they were really gorgeous, but this year I thought I'd try doing a giant version to get larger decorations with roughly the same effort. This is of course just a first run, as looking at the previous results we were truly able to do some fabulous string stars.
You'll Need:
- yarn (or embroidery floss for smaller versions)
- foam core or cardboard
- sharp scissors or a craft knite
- washi tape (optional)
- string star tutorial
How To:
Use round dinner size plates to trace circles onto your foam core or cardboard. Cut sixteen slits spaced evenly around the perimeter of the circle, according to the string star tutorial. Experiment with wrapping your yarn in a variety of ways to get lots of unique and beautiful string stars! If you use foam core, the edges may look nicer covered with washi tape, which you can apply in small segements to cover the perimeter of the circle. (Honestly I used foam core since that was what we had on hand, stiff cardboard might be nicer and if you cut nearly perfect circles you can just leave the edge as is.)
So break out the yarn stash, and get to work, or better yet, make a bunch of circular templates and let the little ones go to town! Enjoy!