My kids are so very excited as we heard this morning that we may actually get some snow this coming Wednesday or Thursday......not anything like the huge snowstorm we experienced last year, but nonetheless, a reason to get prepared. And for me that means moving the small pots of succulents indoors for some greatly needed protection! Granted, many of the succulents I'm moving indoors this year have survived snow in the past, but I figured I wouldn't risk it, as most of them are plants grown from cuttings from the garden of a dear friend who passed away last year, so they are especially precious!
And here (above) is my oribe gorge succulent who is already showing signs of wear and tear from the rain fall we've had, and part of the plant has actually rotted, yikes! So next to the living room window you go my dear friend.
And this aloe vera that was left at my front door once in very sorry shape, well you'll be much happier indoors too, won't you? As to how long these plants will stay indoors, it all depends on the temperatures outdoors, we'll just have to see!
Note: To those you you who live in Israel, yes it is true that there are laws regarding moving potted plants during the year of shemittah, and all of these potted plants had a plate under them before being moved, not to mention that they were in a spot 3 plus stories above the ground. In any case, do consult a rabbi who is a specialist in the laws of shemittah regarding moving your plants indoors.