You may think I'm getting a bit of a late start on heart shaped crafts, but truthfully a heart shaped crocheted basket made from rope can be a truly great thing to crochet anytime of year! This sturdy little basket would be a great way to display beloved treasures, a fun prop for a DIY wedding or celebration of any kind, or a great gift filled with something edible or even a collection of small soaps.
Now, I must confess, crocheting with rope can be a bit hard on the hands, and I even got a blister crocheting this beauty, but it was well worth it! I'll be writing up this pattern and placing it in my crochetxoxo Etsy shop within the next few days, so stay tuned! In the mean time, pick up some 3-ply cotton cord sold at the hardware store in a ball, and a 6.5mm hook and you'll be all set to go!
Oh, and by the way, this would be a great little basket for giving mishloach manot on Purim to that special someone......with the holiday just two weeks away you won't have time to crochet a bunch of these, but certainly you can find some time to make a few! Let me know if you want a heads up that the pattern is available in my shop, and yes, sometimes it is truly worth it to buy a pattern that is a result of someone else's hours and hours of experimentation! You should see all the heart shaped baskets that didn't make the cut, oh, and the heart shaped rug that I made (or rather tried to make) before arriving at this basket.....such is the life of the obsessed crocheter!
Note: So sorry I never did get around to actually publishing that pattern but there is always hope, so let me know if it interests you!