Colorful jewelry is certainly all the rage, and I love the idea of matching jewelry to an outfit, so knowing how to make some super simple crocheted beaded necklaces certainly comes in handy right about now! Just grab some beads, yarn or string, and a crochet hook, and you're good to go!
The first version of this necklace was made with gold thread and swarovski crystals and glass beads, but it is very delicate and one has to worry about it getting tangled or even torn (like any fine chain actually.) This version is tough and will withstand a beating, making it perfect for summer!
You'll Need:
- thin yarn, string, or thread of your choice
- beads with holes large enough to accommodate string of choice
- a crochet hook, around 3mm or smaller
How To:
String beads on end of string that has not been cut from spool. * Chain 6 or 7, slip the bead right next to the hook, and chain 1. Repeat from * until all the beads have been used or desired length is achieved.
If you want to be more precise, and calculate how many chains to make between the beads, do this:
- Figure out how long you want your necklace to be, number A.
- Divide A by the number of beads you have, arriving at number B.
- Crochet a chain with the thread and hook you'll be using, and see how many chains you need to crochet to arrive at a chain the length of B. Subtract one from that number, arriving at number C, which is the number of chains you'll need to make before and after each bead.
Hope you enjoyed this little tutorial!