Ah yes, spring is here in Northern Israel, and just in time for all to enjoy as many families take to the great outdoors during this week's Passover holiday. Today, the first intermediary day of Passover in Israel, called chol hamoed, was marked with a community trip to a nearby farming community to observe the special mitzvah of bircat hailanot, the blessing over blooming fruit trees. The blessing is made in order to give thanks to our creator for giving us fruit, something we tend to take for granted, right? And what better time or place to remember to be grateful for even the things that seem so simple!
This special blessing can only be made once a year, and only in the month of Nissan, and we are fortunate to have many locations in which to make such a blessing here in Northern Israel.
This year however, special rules apply, as this is the year of shemittah, (the 7th year of rest for the land) and so if we are making blessings over fruit trees in a commercial orchard, it must be an orchard that is observing the laws of shemittah, as the sign above proclaims.
Such a truly gorgeous location, a moshav by the name of Safsufa, located at the foot of Mount Meron.
I'm not sure what fruit trees these are, but the blooms are lovely!
And speaking of blooms, now is wild flower season in Israel, and if one goes on walks in nature, one can certainly come across some amazing sights, like this purple flower growing on the side of the dirt road....stunning, and a reminder to get out all week long to witness the beauties of nature right on our doorstep here in the holy land. I hope to share some more photos of our adventures this week, so stay tuned, and all the very best to you all!