Spring and especially summer are the perfect time to work on fun crafting projects that you may not have time for during the school year! And whether or not camp is a part of your kid's summer experience, you can certainly have fun doing the kind of projects that one might very likely do in camp in your home. For this project, A Recycled Milk Carton Roof Garden, I’ve combined two of my favorite hobbies, container gardening and recycled crafting, and I hope you’ll have as much fun as I did! And while you’re at it, why not get a bunch of friends together and make a whole city?
You’ll Need:
- recycled milk or juice cartons
- acrylic craft paint and paint brushes
- a pencil
- black markers, both fine and medium weight
- spider plant babies, or succulent cuttings or small plants of some kind
- soil
How To:

Step 1: Cut the tops off of your used milk or juice cartons with scissors, or get an adult to do it with a knife. Wash out the cartons with warm water and soap. Paint your milk cartons using acrylic paint, first applying a base coat through which the printing will still show, and then applying a second coat to completely cover the graphics on the carton.

Step 2: Set aside to dry, and then cut your cartons to the desired height. Cut slanted rooves to make house shapes. Using a pencil lightly draw doors, windows and other details on your cartons.

Step 3: Using black markers in several weights, go over your pencil drawings.

Step 4: Fill your cartons with soil, but not to the top. If you will be using these cartons for large plants, you will need to first poke holes in the bottom as drainage will be necessary. Have an adult do this for you with a knife.

Step 5: Gently place your plants into the soil (in this case spider plant babies). Keep the soil evenly moist, and soon your plants will begin to grow. Depending on the kind of plant you have planted, you may or may not have to replant in a larger container. Succulents would also be perfect for this project, and cuttings can simply be stuck into moist soil to root.
Enjoy your new garden!