Here's a super fun recycling craft for the kids (or for the kid in you) that is a great way to encourage creativity: a tin can robot character made not just from tin cans but from a wide assortment of recyclables.
Yes, I did use batteries, but PLEASE DON'T when you make your robots, as in retrospect I have no idea if it is safe. Truthfully, the batteries that are truly a hazard are the 4 volt square batteries, like the kind found in the smoke detector, so absolutely do not use those for crafting. (And when you set them aside to bring to the appopriate battery disposal sight, put some electric tape over the ends for safety purposes.)
Now as far as my cute robots go, Mr. Bandito Robot and The Tin Can Bird Robot, I had so much fun making them, and I hope you'll come up with some of your own characters!
You'll Need:
- tin cans
- recycled materials, especially lids of all sizes, corks, bottle caps
- colored cover stock paper
- a fine black marker
- hot glue
Step 1: Gather your materials, the more the better!
Step 2: Using hot glue assemble your robots.
Step 3: Draw facial features and control panels on colored stock, cut out and glue to tin cans.
And that is it! Now go and make a bunch of adorable tin can robots yourself. Even better make enough to display as a collection on a shelf in your home, that is what I'd like to do! Enjoy.