Above Left: Canna, a tropical large leaved annual (here) that grows back every year and divides itself, cant beat that in a pot, at least!in Above Right: Lochroma, a woody bush with stunning little bell shaped flowers that looses its leaves here in the winter.
It just wouldn't be summer without some flowers in the garden right? In my case that garden happens to be a container garden, so while the greenery isn't nearly as lush as one would find in a little plot of earth, it still gives me joy on a daily basis, and since I can't imagine life without plants, this does the job!
This bougainvillea was barely blooming last year, and now, after being transplanted to a smaller pot (before the shemittah year), moved to a new location, it seems to be quite happy, and hopefully will have some new growth as well.
My hoya vine which lives outdoors under a roof, like a houseplant, most of the year has given me five clusters of blooms this year! Purple heart is a great plant for some unusual color, propogates from cuttings and has these sweet little pink flowers. All those spots on the plant are a result of a tough winter, and some major dust storms recently.
Okay, I know, this isn't really a flower, but I just couldn't resist!
Pink climbing roses, some small shoots from the base of the vine, are so sweet, and my pink geraniums, which are about 3 feet high barely blinked an eye when the brand new drip watering system malfunctioned while we were away, sigh. As soon as this Jewish year is over, I will be cutting these geraniums and making more plants. That is it for a little glimpse into my container garden, hope I've inspired you to enjoy the wonders of nature!