Drum roll please, after years and years and years of wanting to make some quilts and of course even purchasing fabric, I have a long last made progress with this little dream: introducing my first ever baby quilt in the making! The only problem at the moment is finding time to finish the next steps, wish me luck, hopefully it won't be another ten years!
So here it is, using fabric that I bought ten years ago for this very purpose, almost can't believe it! So stay tuned as I learn how to quilt and then bind, forntunately I'm starting small, so hopefully it shouldn't be too difficult. Of course first I'll need some batting, but I even know where to buy that in our little town, so no excuses here.
I can't say that I'm yet sold on the idea of making huge quilts for the whole family, which is my dream, but maybe if I start with quilts with bigger squares it could go quickly, which is key for me. Okay gotta run, the hanukkah crafts are waiting!