Hanukkah is on Sunday night, so now would be a good time to make some quick Hanukkah projects that look great and are quick to make. For starters, I'd recommend this shot glass Menorah that I made for a Hanukkah DIY article for Houzz, as it is so simple and looks surprisingly elegant, I must say! Even if you already have a Hanukkah menorah that you'll light in a window, or in a doorway (there are several different customs regarding where one should light the menorah, we light ours in a window looking out over the street) why not fill your home with more Hanukkah light on a table or sideboard (if there are small children roaming) to really enjoy the amazing light that results from lighting floating wicks in olive oil.
Hopefully you are a bit of a pack rat like me, and just happen to have four lovely ethnic tiles to serve as your base, if not so here is your excuse to go out and get some! These tiles are actually from Morocco, though similar tiles are made in Mexico I believe, for all of my readers in California.
Looks so elegant with so little effort, and of course, with eight whole nights ahead of us, you could choose to assemble this after Hanukkah starts. I'll let you in on a little secret, this year I'm going to be doing a lot of things after the holiday starts, like all those home made gifts and fun little prizes, as I'm currently spending all my time making a big present for the husband's birthday, which lucky for us in the first night of Hanukkah, shhhhh. Don't worry I don't think he ever actually reads my blog.
So dear readers, that is my Hanukkah tip for today, wishing you all the best in your preparations for this wonderful holiday. Hanukkah is about banishing darkness from the world, and with all the tragic stories in the news lately, the holiday couldn't be coming at a better time.
Don't forget to go on over to my complete tutorial with lots of great tips for using floating wicks, right here on houzz.com.